Saturday, 31 December 2016

Stick to your resolutions- Happy New Year

Wishing you all a very happy and successful new year.

I am sure most of us are ready with new year resolutions but the point is for how long are we going take it forward?

While I was traveling, I was busy with my me time and here are few things that I encountered. It started with a long walk towards hill, humming on the tune" Hum kis gali jaa rhe... apna koi theekana nahi..." Finally I got struck to the rising sun with a new meaning which brought a strong conviction within. And this was the promise made to myself that I will rise each day without fail.
The journey began than onwards... A walk to remember, where nature was encouraging me with different perspective to challenge myself when I go back to routine.

Here are few conversations with my nature friends:

Flowers- "Just like flowers need all air, water, fertiliser, sunlight likewise I aim to put all my skills and efforts to bloom beautifully.

Standalone tree- Conveyed "Standing alone doesn't mean I am alone, it means I am strong enough to handle things all by myself."

Bonfire- "Seeing at fire flames, I realised more the wood longer fire will last" Collecting wisdom,skill and courage to act.

And so on...

However I believe transformation is not five minutes from now, its a present activity. In this moment lets aim to bring productive choices within for better productivity. These small choices of change within will build success and cultivate better output.

Cheers!!! Best wishes for 2017.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Happy Birthday!!!

Hi a very warm welcome to my blog and wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!!

Wondering??? Why I am wishing you for your birthday? 

We are lucky enough that we are continuing our journey called life.

For this month I am just going to share my intrapersonal moment with you all. 
To begin with I would like to quote “you can either learn from books or from life.” However books have been a great friend to me but when life brings uncalled surprises, it gets difficult to call it as a friend.

Have you ever given a thought before going to bed that you will be waking up to the sun with bright cosy cheerful smile?

Hmmm!!! No! Never! No one wonders about death. 

But one fine morning dated 15th September 2016, I encountered a news of my friend’s brother liver failure and requesting a donor. However I was not broken by the news but had many thoughts in my mind.
- What would be thoughts behind sufferer?
-Is he praying for an organ? For someone to die? 
-Why do we religiously criminate our body?
-Nature has built us and better to come in use rather than destroy.
-What if I donate my organs? In bizarre corrupted world, will my organs be used without taking money from anyone?

Many thoughts surrounded me which lead me to self-awakening. 

Here are the facts that I came across.

To begin with death is natural and it comes without informing. So here is something in for you which says how you can contribute to society even after your death. It is organ donation. However it is something that people don’t accept easily but I am sure my thoughts will provoke you in doing so.

In Sikhism ‘Death’ is termed as ‘Hukam’ which means call from God. Birth & death is closely associated as part of human cycle both coming and going which is said transient state to liberation. According to me, the funereal rituals of cremations which demands body in totality is important for soul to rest in peace and reincarnation but not at the cost of burning organs that can be used to save another life. 

Based on the research, 8.4 million people die every year in India which comes to 22,500 per day approximately.Myths and misconceptions about organ donation discourage potential donors from making the decision to donate organs or tissue after death.

I don’t think there can be a better satisfaction or ‘Punya’ than saving a life.

With advanced medical sciences, organ donation can play a major role that can save a life through organ transplantation. But in bizarre world it is shame to say human is progressing in all fields but where humanism lies, we all fail.

Source Times of India, DNA India says:
-Almost 1.5 lakh people in India need a kidney; however, only 3000 of them receive one.
-Only 1 out of 30 people who need a kidney receive one.
-90% of people in the waiting list die without getting an organ.
-India’s annual liver transplant requirement is 25,000, but we manage only about 800.
-70% liver transplants are taken care of by a live donor, but 30% are dependent on cadaver donations.

So imagine 22,500 people who die each day can be a life saver for one or may be many. Today I leave you with a choice life to someone or death, between prosperity and disaster. What do you want to see more suffering or joy?

Sharing the best words that I believe in"Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy.Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life,”

So let’s regard life and other lives by doing our bit to lessen the suffering.

Cheers and Hi to life. Happy Birthday once again!!!